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Welcome to the Elevate HQ Blog!

Here you'll find updates on what’s going on, what’s coming up, and what’s gone down around the business.

Scroll down to get to know our team a little better and check out our current open positions at Elevate!


A note from DB & JV

This will all probably make a bit more sense if you actually know who we are! DB (right) is the Founder and CEO of Elevate, JV (left...obviously!) is the Chief Operating Officer. Being based in Munich and Australia respectively, our opportunities to meet every amazing presenter across 4 countries are pretty limited. So this is our attempt to keep you up-to-date with all things at Elevate.

Latest Update

Get Involved!

Want to get involved in the next Notes from HQ update? Submit a Helping the Kids moment or team shout out below!

As a presenter or coach, you'll encounter helping the kids moments every day. These are instances where you can really see the impact we have on kids across the globe; It might be a comment from a teacher or parent, a good grade from a coaching student, or something awesome you've noticed another Elevate'r do. Whatever form they come in, we want to hear about them so we can celebrate these moments with you!

Submit your Helping the Kids moment by clicking the button on the right, and it might be included in our next monthly update...

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Helping the Kids info

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