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Global Awards venue for 2020 announced!!!

Doug Barton

Find out where Global Awards are to be held this year, and also find out who will be joining from Teams Oz, Singapore and South Africa.

So many big news items! Let’s start with the first big one since it defines the prize that our National Awards nominees stand to win; the location of this year’s Global Awards!

Global awards will be held in August 2020 in….

….some clues… .

That’s right! The 2020 Global Awards will be held in….BEIJING! Now, with the Coronavirus outbreak that's probably not the greatest timed announcement, but we will obviously watch the space between now and August. Each Global Awards venue salutes key thinkers and ideas from history. Having toured through the ideas of the renaissance in Florence last year, this year we will explore the ideas of Confucious, Lao Tzu and Sun Tzu, along with hiking the Great Wall, visiting the Forbidden City, and most importantly, eating many, many dumplings.

But who is going to be joining us in Beijing? Let’s start with TEAM AUSTRALIA...


For the second year in a row, Fisher will be representing Australia at Global Awards as Presenter of the Year. Fisher had an absolute cracker of a year, with the highest average student feedback, teacher feedback, recording review score, and cultural factor of any of the 200+ presenters eligible. Well done Fisher!!!!!!


A huge congratulations to QLD TL Matty G on being awarded Australian Team Leader of the Year! Anyone who knows Matt knows how dedicated and passionate he is about Elevate and the people who are part of it. Very well deserved Matty, keep watching the other countries’ training videos in your spare time!


And representing the Oz office team in Beijing is the one and only Kelly Spoerk! Recruitment Maestro and 2ic with all the answers, Kelly won her spot through a combination of knocking over business plan objectives like ten pins and through a vote of her peers who held her to be the leading embodiment in the office of Elevate’s values.

But Fisher, Matt, and Kel will have some extra company! For the first time, our seminar team will be joined by the two most outstanding coaches of the year who are...


2019 was Aggie’s first year at the company as she stepped straight into the coach role with no prior presenting experience. Working with 9 students across the course of the year, Aggie maintained an average parent net promotor score of 4.5/5 and student net promotor score of 9.75/10 and she never stopped smiling along the way. One parent even referred to her as “one of the best assets this company has”!


Jake is a veteran of the Australian seminars business but recently made the move to coaching and consulting after post-grad medicine wiped the school hours out of his timetable. Consultants were assessed on the number of diagnostics they ran, their close rate, average sale size, recording feedback and 360-degree coach feedback. Across all metrics, Jake came out on top. By year end, Jake had run a whopping 52 diagnostics and brought on board 44 clients. Beyond his sales numbers, Jake has been an irreplaceable member of the team, always diving in to help with interviews, training, recording reviews, and newbie mentoring.


Ryo Yamamoto!!!!

Ryo was once of the first presenters we hired back in 2017 when we first came over to Singapore and has been smashing out seminars for the past 3 years with aplomb. He’s also into the double digits for number of students coached and has received phenomenal feedback from all involved. It seems the amazing news keeps coming for Ryo as he’s recently started as Client Services Manager in the office this month as well. Stoked to have you on board Ryo and well done on achieving so much in your Elevate Career to date! Here’s a picture of Ryo in the office looking very, very chuffed!

And joining us from South Africa will be...

Presenter of the Year….A massive shoutout to Njabulo Buthelezi from Gauteng!!! Njabulo had a massive 2019 racking up 270 seminars all over the country. Njabs finished the year with a feedback average of 9.4 and was the first to put his hand up to jump on sessions at late notice; to drive all over the country to work with students; and to constantly provide feedback and bring forward ideas on how we can continue to improve as a company.

Team Leader of the Year…Big-ups to Yolisa Motha from KwaZulu-Natal. Yolisa has worked for Elevate since the beginning of 2017. Across that time she has presented more than 270 seminars including working with students in Botswana and Kenya. Yoli has been the heartbeat of the KZN team and has done a phenomenal job building the team culture and creating more leaders at Elevate. The feedback she received from her team was incredible:

"Yolisa is absolutely amazing at leading people and is one of the people who embodies the values of Elevate the most. She's been amazing to work with and I really have learned so much from her. Her immensely supportive and sagacious approach to everything gives you encouragement and makes you want to be a better presenter and leader"

Well done Yoli!

Office Member of the Year…The one and only, Andre “Dr Dre” Breytenbach. Breyts was the first ever full-time hire in SA, and has been a key role in helping build the SA operation to where it is today. Andre was even happier than when South Africa won the Rugby World Cup.

A massive congratulations to all our National Award Winners, and also a big shout-out to all the State & Province Award Winners, all of whom had amazing years. JV and I can't wait to see you all in Beijing.

But what about Team UK and New York? Don’t worry! You haven’t been forgotten! Annual Awards for our Northern Hemisphere offices are in July. Just enough time to get visa applications for the big trip to Beijing!!!

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