Welcome to July’s Meet the Team!
We hope you enjoyed last month's first video interview with our CEO and Founder, DB. If you haven’t had a chance to check it out yet, you can take a look here.
This month, we’re going stateside and meeting the US 2iC and Senior BDM, Tabel!
As promised, this video includes a demonstration of Tabel’s secret talent – so make sure you give it a watch...
Thanks Tabel, for being our Meet the Team interviewee for this this month. It’s great to hear more about how you help grow the Elevate business, getting our seminars to more kids across the US each year!
If you like the sound of the BDM role (or working in the Elevate office in general) and would like to learn whether there might be an opportunity in this area once you’ve finished your studies, you can click the button below to get in touch with our Head of Operations – People & Culture, Dip.
We’ll see you next month for another Meet the Team!